Have you read Animal Farm?

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Have you read Animal Farm?
If you have not, pick a copy.  Animal Farm is a literal recreation of political postures leading up to Russian Revolution first published on August 17, 1945, by George Orwell, a democratic socialist whose political sagacity dared the ferocious Joseph Stalin.
Stunned by the deceptivepolitics, character worship, and graveside silence of economically-raped masses, George undertookto bequeath to the world a marriage of political reality and artistic savvy as he himself affirmed in his essay “Why I Write” (1949).
In his another letter to Yvonne Davet he described the book as a satirical tale. For Time magazine, Animal Farm is one of the 100 best English-language novels (1923-2005). Animal Farm featured at number 31 on the Modern Library List of Best 20th Century Novels.
In 1996, it won Hugo Award and is included in the Great Books of the Western World Selection.
The novella has 23 characters categorically grouped into four:  Pigs (Old Major, Napoleon, Snowball, Squealer, Minimus, the Piglets, the young pigs, Pinkeye); Humans (Mr. Jones, Mr. Frederick, Mr. Pilkington, Mr. Whymper); Horses and Donkeys (Boxers, Mollie, Clover, Benjamin), and other animals (Muriel, the Puppies, Moses, the Sheep, the Hens, the Cows, the Cat) The story plot opened with an emergencysecurity meeting of all animals at the instance of the Old Major, a boar on the Manor Farm with an agendum to dethrone human enemies and take over the farm. The outcome was the composition of a revolutionary song called Beast of England for the struggle. Not long, Old Major died and Snowball and Napoleon, two young pigs took over his reign.
The revolution was a success as Mr. Jones, was chased out. The farm was renamed ‘Animal Farm.’ With this, the animals adopted rules of engagement codenamed “Seven Commandments of Animalism.”
Of particular interest was the rule which stated that, “All animals are equal.” Snowball would teach animals how to read and write while Napoleon would lecture young puppies on the principle of Animalism.
It was just a matter of time and rule ofequality would be breached by the pigs that madespecial food menu for themselves visibly for their personal health.
The botched attempt by Mr. Jones to reclaim his farm became an opportunity for Snowball to put into practice all he had read from battles of Julius Caesar.
With Snowball’s skills he commanded all animals into a retreat and tactically defeated an army of men alone. Hispopularity soared and his victory in that battle called “The Battle of the Cowshed” became an annual feast which all animals celebrated with gunshots. Sooner than later, power struggle ensued. Snowball had planned to build windmill but Napoleon got envious of the idea. With his fiery dogs Napoleon chased Snowball away and declared himself the Supreme leader of Animal Farm. Napoleon immediately embarked on restructure of government changing everything to his credits and falsifying documents.
He cancelled the regular general meetings of animalswere issues affecting them were formally discussed. He replaced it with a Committee of Pigs. Napoleon got a young pig Squealer, a ‘henchpig’ who supervised the windmill project which he had taken its credit. He subjected the animals to hard labour with promises of better lifeafter completion. While at an advanced stage, the windfall project collapsed to a violent storm. Napoleon and Squealer ran propaganda accusingSnowball of sabotage and urged all animals to work on. Gradually, Napoleon began to winnow the farm of suspicious animals with his carnivorous dogs. Napoleon eliminated many suspected animals, replaced the Beasts of England anthem with one deifying his power and gradually transformed to lifestyle of a man. Yet, the animals were made to believe they were better off than they were under man-ownership, Mr. Jones.
Next, the animals won a pyrrhic victoryover a man named Mr. Federick who wanted to take up the farm and had blown up the windmill using blasting powder.
Wounded in the attack was the workaholic Boxer who did not mind eitherand afterwards continued working harder and harder until it collapsed. Useless as Boxer had become, Napoleon sold it to knacker pretending to be taking Boxer to the veterinary surgeon. Benjamin, the cynical donkey smelled the foul play and made unsuccessful attempt to rescue Boxer.
Squealer ran the propaganda for Napoleonand the crime was covered up. Boxer was gone, Napoleon and allies were richer, and windmills were yielding income too. There came life of luxury.
Napoleon and his inner circle were buying whisky. The rules were broken to accommodate the excesses of Napoleon and other pigs who gradually transformed fully to humans. 
The pigs would walk upright, carry whips, and wear clothes. Napoleon held parties with his allies and scrapped everything with the imprint of the past. With all rules shattered, the Seven Commandments were abridged to a single phrase:
“All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.” Only then did animals look at the pigs and realized they could no longer distinguish them from humans.
But it was late. Keep in mind that the four divisions of characters in Animal Farm are similar with our Nigeria government: the executive (pigs), the legislative (Donkeys and Horses), the judiciary (other animals), masses (Humans). Don’t care much why we assign ‘humans’ to the masses- which politician is not deceptive like pigs? Those who think that Nigerian politicians can be trusted to use power prudently should reread Animal Farm.
Elections come and we become one in the struggle. When they are won we know that all animals are not equal. Manipulations of laws to the advantage of powers that be were issues that saw last elections lost and won at both federal and state levels. But have we made any shift from the past?
Last year, Ebonyians were promised new era of credible elections in local councils. To prepare for it, Ebonyi State House of Assembly enacted a law empowering the constitution of caretaker committees to oversee the councils andprepare for elections. Barely a year, the law has been amended with curious clauses on the tenure and procedure of resignation.
The section 6 (2) oflaw 004 of 2015 is amended to read: “The tenure of the offices of the Caretaker Committee Chairmen, Vice Chairmen, Secretaries and LiaisonOfficers shall be one year and may be reappointed for another period of not more than three (3) years.
However without prejudice to the above section, the Governor may at any time remove from office any chairmen, vice chairman, secretary and/or Liaison officer.” On the Procedure for resignation, Section 6 (3) as amended reads: “should any Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and/or Liaison Officer want to resign, the only acceptable format for such resignation to be authentic shall be by the following laid down procedures:
a.      Such a person shall apply in writing to the Governor giving 30 working days notice;b.      Such an application shall be accompanied by a detail financial report of his/her officer, a copy of which shall be submitted to the House of Assembly for vetting and necessary action.
c.       The House will then advise the governor to accept such resignation or not. Where a resignation is rejectedby the Governor on its face value or through the advice of the House of Assembly, such a person may be suspended from office or allowed to stay and rectify whatever financial misappropriation such a person may be found wanting.
d.      Failure to do this, the Governor may decide to prosecute such a person. While the person is on suspension, he or she cannot seek any political office until he/she has been cleared.   
Those who underestimate the intelligence of politicians should read this amendment.
It is smart with full potent of entrapment and blackmail when appointees will be forced to account for money they never saw nor spent if they prove stubborn. Should they try smart game of opposition, they will account for the money already retired with their signatures.
Should they continue to surrender their signatures to whims and caprices,they should wait for a day called ‘Tomorrow.” Either way, no way! Is it a surprise that no one is talking about elections again after some people poisoned political associates to death because they nursed similar ambition of contesting local council elections? This is that point where nothing should be new; nothing should surprise us again.
Politics is just bad; just a deceit. Guess what?  I am enjoying my song: There shall be Showers of Blessing…

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