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Now,  this issue is worrisome.  I understand that the killers, rapists,  and South-East and South-South exclusionists really want the Anambra election to hold, but resorting to our aged and ailing veterans is one joke taken too far.  I agree that our dear veterans, most of whom were discharged from the Police and Army without pay,  have suffered enough, but to attempt to pay them that owed them for donkey years in a hurry because of the boycott threat is worse than the neglect itself.  Recall that these veterans had become derelicts after the Civil War that ended in their forceful acceptance of the status quo. 

But I think the veterans,  aged and supposedly sagacious,  should know better. They should ask this oppressive and negligent government why this concern for their travails and dehumanising plights have come now that the same government is still performing Python Dance II (Egwu Eke)  on their land.  How would the same government that just killed numerous children of our veterans for no other reason other than their demand for a better society they can call their own be the one expressing concern?  They abandoned the fathers,  killed the sons, and are back to placate the abandoned prior to an election that has become the subject matter of the reinvigorated struggle.  How truly inept the oppressive Nigerian Government under the misleadership of Buhari and his Fulani cabal is!  Do they think these grey-haired,  sapient veterans are unlettered nomads that get suckled by cattle?  I am so pained here.  What manner of insult is this!  Is there a single thinker in this association of killers called government at all?

Anyway,  our veterans should note that Nigeria is being stung by a million of international bees because of our works outside the stuffy, suffocating, and dinghy shores of Nigeria.  As things stand,  Nigeria knows that this mirage it calls unity is about to kiss her goodbye,  because not only has it run out of utility, but also because it should not have been in the first place.  Our veterans should ask these interlopers the last time they visited any of them to felicitate or comisserate with them.

Let us take it from another angle.  I am so furious right now.  Lord, help me.  Now that they have agreed to pay them this pension, will they extend the largesse to the recovery of all the millions in Pounds that were unlawfully shrunken to paltry £20 after the war?  Yes,  we may not have been conceived and delivered of,  but we have exposed ourselves to extant literatures on the real story. We know that several Biafrans were impoverished as the aftermath of a war they had a very good reason to fight,  bearing in mind that the peace accord reached in Aburi had been breached by Nigeria. Those that had millions were given £20, a glaring case of institutionalized and legalized theft. Our veterans,  most of whom were the victims of that malfeasance, should ask these fellows to reimburse them for it all at once.  What is worth doing is worth doing well. 

I find it most obnoxious that this pension payment shall be in tranches. I disagree in toto with that method because I know the plot.  The idea is to pay some today and make the others expect theirs until the Apocalypse comes.  We must ask them whence the money is coming from, bearing in mind that this same government, after having pushed billions into the coastal part of Biafra with the intent to sustain the division of our sister regions, is now on the verge of seeking the whopping sum of Five Billion Dollars ($5b) as foreign loan.  Besides,  our dear Biafra veterans should ask them whether this sudden pension payment is in the 2017 National Budget.  These questions are pertinent because they will exhume the real reason behind this interest to pay.  I am flummoxed at the celerity with which this criminal payment is to be done,  since I am not oblivious of the fact that our veterans had been treated like derelicts after the war.  Is this Anambra election this important to the killers and rapists?  If that is the case,  the boycott should be total. 

My message to our veterans is that they should not join the vultures that call themselves Governors of the East in betraying the East and the South-South in this renewed and refined agitation geared towards exculpating our sister regions from the claws of evil.  Our esteemed and venerable veterans should put the government in the crucible of serious scrutiny by asking them why the Bill seeking recompense for the Eastern Region died faster than it was mentioned on the floor of the legislature. Of course,  if this government truly cares about the region,  then that bill would have flown speedily.  The million dollar question is whether the pension payment will solve the litany of problems bedevilling the region.  How much is this pension, by the way?  How will it be computed to assuage the extended sufferings of these veterans?  Whose intelligence are these empty-headed gloried cattle and rams playing with? What makes these savages think they are close to us in terms of wit and intelligence? I just wonder. 

They illicitly invaded our lands,  shot at our unarmed youths the same way they starved children in the late 60s, and have the temerity to attemp to lampoon our aged? Who do they think they are? I am pretty sure they occupy a much lower position on the scale of humanity,  and this is not unconnected with the fact that they are descendants of Uthman Dan Fodio, a native of a mountainous region occupied by vultures.  I am sure you understand how Gothic and eerie their native land is. Do you still feel perplexed that they kill, rape, and invade our lands?  What are vultures? They are trying to placate our veterans in the face of the disappearance of their son, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu,  after their Gestapo style invasion of his father's palace without a jot of respect for the kingdom.  Yes,  they want to Court our veterans in the face of the intransigence with respect to the socio-economic and political conditions that sparked off the first war.  Their Fulani Army still proliferate the calm East, but they want our grey-haired and sagacious veterans to be on their side.  We are watching with rapt attention. 

Our veterans should cast their minds back at the first time anyone remembered and assembled them. If they do,  they will agree with me that it was Mazi Nnamdi Kanu that gave them such recognition not too long ago before he was marked for death by the same people cajoling them today.  They should prove to us that they fought that war out of conviction by shaming these tangible devils.  Our veterans should also note that they started this thing that we have decided to finish. They should not forget that their children have been killed; their wives have been raped; their lands have been invaded and crops consumed by Fulani cattle; and that their properties have been conflagrated and destroyed by those using pension to bait them. 

As for us,  their children with very advanced mind and method,  the clamour for freedom must be fruitful this time.  The writer of this piece is one person that has devoted everything called substance in him to this struggle.  WE MUST GET BIAFRA THIS TIME.  If our beloved veterans disappoint us the way the vultures did,  we shall go ahead and get what we need and return to put them in an inglorious position.  But I am sanguine that our veterans,  the real reason most of us have died,  will not toe the ugly path,  the road to perdition our politicians have. We are Biafrans.  Thoughts of us give serious physiological and psychological problems to oppressors.  We must continue.  We must complete what our veterans and Mazi Nnamdi Kanu started.  Victory at last!  Victory is certain!  We must get there this time.  Biafra will never die!  Biafra is almost here.  Can you feel the breath of fresh air?  It is ubiquitous, brothers and sisters. 

Russell Idatoru Bluejack is a thinker,  revolutionary writer,  university tutor,  and socio-economic and political analyst that writes from the creeks in the coastal part of Biafra.

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