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While I was enjoying a self imposed sabbatical, my attention was drawn to an unfortunate and utterly preposterous article written by a bloke, who has an apparent hatred for the person of Ojukwu & all things Biafra, and goes by the name of a Tortoise (Mbe Nwaniga- a very short and slow animal), obviously to complement his small minded persona. In his article (it's an insult to well written articles, calling that trash an article), he claimed that one of first things Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu (God bless his soul) did upon assumption of office as the Military governor of Eastern Nigeria in 1966, was to accuse of corruption and detain without trial the following elites at the time ; Dr Akanu Ibiam, Dr Michael Okpara, Chike Obi, Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe and so on" he also called Ojukwu a corrupt dictator and that it was his dictatorial tendecies that made him sacrifice Biafrans in the name of prosecuting a war he knew Biafra stood no chance.

Conveniently ignoring the role played by the British government in that genocide on innocent Biafrans. First, After reading the said article, I was dumbstruck. I never knew they still make such high calibre idiots. Having said that, I realised I was dealing with someone who not only enjoys feeding on a diet of subterfuge, deception and destructive propaganda, but also enjoys forcing it down people's throat. Whatever his motivations were for posting that trash against an Igbo patriarch like Ojukwu, I was also able to view with my poor knowledge of all matters clinical, a character who's lacking in self-worth and a mind that is mentally balanced. Dr Maduka Chinemelum Ogwueleka, should have a better diagnosis.

I must also say that I am terribly disappointed in some of the things I read from our people on that post who swallowed everything, hook, line and sinker without as much as making an effort to research. Secondly, I am moved to ask, Is that faceless coward Mbe Nwaniga talking about the same Akanu Ibiam, and Dr Michael Okpara we know that served in the Biafran executive Council with Ojukwu until the end of the War together with people like Sir Louis Mbanefo, Mr Christopher Muojekwu, Dr Kenneth Dike and others, or some other faceless zombies that exists in his Önly in his malaria induced delusions? The same Akanu Ibiam and Christopher Muojekwu who played vital roles in suppressing Major Ifeajuna's treachery?* The same Ojukwu's cabinet that consisted of more civilians than soldiers? To the chagrin of senior military officers like Gen Alex Madiebo, who dedicated an entire chapter in his book disagreeing with Ojukwu for placing more power in civilians than soldiers, is what this beast of no nation is accusing of being dictatorial?

You see our problem as a people is that we don't bother to read. That's why sensationalist stuffs like what is being disseminated by that clown who calls himself a tortoise (ihe eji achu aja), instead of earning the rebuttal it deserves, you see our people there, full-blooded Ndi Igbo, dancing naked in public, lapping up the nonsense to the delight of that morally bankrupt scoundrel, and his APC sponsors. And you wonder why we seem lost as a people? Why despite our intellect and supposed education those barbarians from the North with very limited education are playing Ludo with our collective brains?

Here is a quote from chapter 8 or Frederick Forsythe's magnum opus on BIAFRA titled; The Biafra Story: The making of an African Legend which disproves his myth that dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu was a dictator : "The government of Biafra is a disappointment to those who come seeking a totalitarian military dictatorship. Colonel Ojukwu rules with a surprisingly light hand, but this is incumbent on any man who rules the Biafrans. They do not take kindly to government without consultation.

Soon after taking power as Military Governor in January 1966 Ojukwu realized he had to have a closer line to the broad masses of the people, partly because of their characteristics and partly through his own predilections." Did you read and comprehend that very well? That Ojukwu's government is a disappointment to those who thinks he was just another military dictator In the making. Ojukwu understood the people he was trying to govern, that "they don't take kindly to government without consultation". This is the people that worthless attention seeking tortoise wants you to believe that he was a dictator who ruled his people with an iron fist.

Furthermore, how many of you masturbating over that fake piece of information knew that Col. Ojukwu initially refused to declare Biafra even when The Eastern Consultative Assembly mandated him to do so? They say if you want to hide something from a black man write in a book, because he'll never open it. Well, all I'm going to give you all an assignment, go and get "In Biafra Africa died" by Emefiena Ezeani. To save you the stress because I understand most of us are intellectually lazy, just open to page 100 and read till the next page, then come back and tell me Col Ojukwu declared Biafra because he was a dictator.

Read Late Pa Joe Achuzia's interview there, then if you want to keep believing that rubbish written by that faceless coward fathered by Hausa-Fulani sperm then you can't be saved. This is how people lie for nothing. Maybe they've approached and recruited him to campaign for them next year that's why he's trying to burn bridges early by spewing codswallop so as to prove his loyalty. Because for our people, the best way to show patriotism is to hate on your own people. The confused Mugu even went ahead to say Ojukwu detained Gen Alex Madiebo without trial, as well as Brig Njoku whom Madiebo took over from. And I ask how come Madiebo Now served as GOC of the Biafran army till then end of the war? And thinking adults, were on his page swallowing that poison.

By far, The greatest damage this evil country did to us, especially Ndi Igbo, is to ban history from being taught in schools. Thank God most of us were lucky to study it in school regardless, and even lucky enough to acquire a degree in history as well. And most of us who are aware know that almost every damn thing that faceless Mbe Nwaniga wrote in that article is just good old rubbish. If you read Madiebo's Book, page 178 you'll see Dr Michael Okpara and Madiebo himself in a pics taken in 1968 at Army HQTRS located at Agbogugu, Enugwu. Page 299 of the same book will explain in details the moment Ojukwu honoured The author and General Philip Effiong for their bravery and sacrifice to the cause of the war.

Our beloved Chinua Achebe even served in Ojukwu's government in various capacities, and even gave us the greatest treasure of a book titled "There was a country ". Yet people won't read and will come online to blab rubbish. The blind leading the blind. Ojukwu was all the monster that foolish Mbe painted yet Chinua Achebe who's very principled, stubborn and highly opinionated will agree and serve under Ojukwu and wont write about it? People are stupid ooo..
I don't want to make this article too long, I have written enough, even Jesus Christ was not a fan of excessive verbosity. He usually ended his sermons with; "He Who has ears let him hear".

Beloved, Our ancestors before Jesus, concurred and will normally say, imara Asu, isuo n'ikwe, imaghi Asu, isubie mkpuru ukwu gi. I'm not translating.

*** Ikeyahkadibia Onyeji ***

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